Ambleside LA22 9SH
NOCN Forest School Level 1 Training
This course is aimed at individuals with little or no experience of working in the outdoors, and aims to build knowledge and confidence in the Forest School ethos and principles.
Kindling will introduce basic woodland skills, and individuals will be required to demonstrate a basic knowledge of the flora and fauna in a woodland area. The course will allow participants to look at using the outdoor environment to facilitate different learning styles and to encourage the development of personal skills such as confidence and self-esteem.
Participants will learn how the outdoors can be used to encourage all areas of development, understand factors that affect children’s behaviour and strategies for the outdoor environment. We will also look at how the outdoor environment encourages independence, self-reliance and self-esteem and promotes healthy, balanced social and emotional growth.
Course Duration: 3 days
Portfolio Completion will take place during the course and be handed in on the last day.
This course is ideal for those people who are wanting to gain skills for working outdoors with children and young people, those who want to explore how Forest Schools could work within their own setting or those who wish to support a trained Forest Schools practitioner.

Hiya I am very interested in the Level 1 Forest School Practitioner Training but unable to attend as this is a very busy time of year for us, will you be holding this training in the new year please
Kind regards
Hiya. I don’t open it out very often. You can email us to be informed when we next run a course though.