Forest School Practitioner Training courses, outdoor workshops, creativity courses and more from Kindling Play and Training
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Kindling delivers RQF accredited Forest Schools Practitioner Training at NOCN (One Awards) Level 1 through to Level 3. These training courses can be delivered in house f the group size is viable. All courses are facilitated by Lily Horseman, an experienced and creative trainer and Forest School practitioner. Lily has held a Level 4 Forest School Trainers award since 2009, is a director and Chair of the Forest School Association. For more information or to ask questions call Lily on 07789 723 061 (please note that texts or WhatsApp messages may not receive a quick response, phone calls will receive a faster response).
Lily has demonstrated that Kindling Forest School training meets the criteria set out by the Forest School Association and has met the Quality Assurance benchmarks.

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Chatting, Playing, Doing
CPD sessions for people involved or interested in Forest School
By ‘Chatting’ we mean Networking and by ‘Playing and Doing’ we mean learning new skills and ideas that you can share with the children and young people and Forest School participants you work with.
We’ll be doing some weaving, some tool maintenance, and cooking food on the fire for everyone. There will be lots of tools and resources available for you to try things out and see some different inspirational ideas that you could apply to your own work. We’ll also be supporting you to find answers to any Forest School related questions you have and to meet and spend time with others.
to book a place and let us know you are coming send us an email to Harriet or Lily; or
This is a 3 day OCNWMR accredited course worth 3 credits. Delivered by Lily Horseman in partnership with Jon Cree (chair of the Forest School Association).
We will delve into: what challenges us as leaders in the outdoors; theory on challenging behaviour, up-to-date neural research; triggers and causes for behaviour that challenges us, ways of dealing with ‘real life’ scenarios; de-escalation and formulating/reviewing your own policies, including looking at the validity of sanctions and rewards in a community based approach. We will look at how to develop our own empathetic responses to children and young people and how to react to their needs.
As this is an OCN Level 3 course worth 3 credits it will require participants to reflect on their own practice and write up a workbook after the course which we estimate would take approx 8 hours work. It is suitable for people who have trained as Forest School practitioners or who work in the outdoors.
“this course has really helped me re-appraise the way I work with some of our students and has actually given me new strategies for working with challenges that have worked!” ~ participant from February 2011 course
*This venue has basic accommodation on site which is included in the price. Other local accommodation is available.