Forest School Practitioner Training courses, outdoor workshops, creativity courses and more from Kindling Play and Training
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Kindling delivers RQF accredited Forest Schools Practitioner Training at NOCN (One Awards) Level 1 through to Level 3. These training courses can be delivered in house f the group size is viable. All courses are facilitated by Lily Horseman, an experienced and creative trainer and Forest School practitioner. Lily has held a Level 4 Forest School Trainers award since 2009, is a director and Chair of the Forest School Association. For more information or to ask questions call Lily on 07789 723 061 (please note that texts or WhatsApp messages may not receive a quick response, phone calls will receive a faster response).
Lily has demonstrated that Kindling Forest School training meets the criteria set out by the Forest School Association and has met the Quality Assurance benchmarks.
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This new accredited course is designed for Forest School practitioners or those who work in natural environments with children.
The purpose of the course is to develop Forest School practitioners ability to understand historic aspects of woodlands. We will explore traditional skills, woodland management, customs, traditions and folklore associated with woodlands. All of this will be aimed at looking how we can create positive learning environments and bring woodland heritage alive.
This course is worth two credits at level 3 and is accredited by NOCN. The majority of the coursework will be completed during the training sessions.

This is an invitation to reconnect with the enthusiasm that you found during the process of training to be a Forest School practitioner.
The weekend will be hosted by Lily Horseman, an experienced facilitator and Forest School trainer. Having walked alongside many people during the training process she recognises the value of asking questions and the support of a community of learning. This weekend will be all about that. Reconnecting and connecting with people who are walking the same path to support your continuing growth as a Forest School practitioner.
The content will be guided by the questions that you all bring which will be explored in a hands on way. There will be games and crafts, time to connect with nature, exploration of theories, time to play. Katie from Kindlewoods will be joining us to share her skill with spinning and spindle making and of course, there will be cooking and eating around the fire. All the good stuff that gets the juices flowing.
The cost covers accommodation in the bunk barn dorms or camping on the site with full use of the facilities, kitchen, shower room, sitting room etc and basic vegetarian ingredients for main meals, the resources and tools.
We are also asking for people to consider a donation for our time and energy that represents the worth to you as a practitioner.
Spaces are limited. Email to book.

Come and join other Forest School practitioners form across Cumbria to share practice, chat over what’s going on in the world of Forest School, get up to date on latest developments and revisit and extend your own skills.
We’ll be exploring the theme of “caring for”; a bit of tool sharpening and a bit of self care, tarp repair & etc! We’ll get a fire lit, a kettle over it, some light refreshments cooked over the fire and there will be a selection of tools and a nice woodland to hang out in.
Bring and share lunch. We’ll be exploring any other Forest School related things that people are engaged in, feel free to bring a question or idea for the rest of the group to help you work through.
Email to let us know you are coming and get detailed directions to the site.

OCN Forest School Level 1 Training
This course is aimed at individuals with little or no experience of working in the outdoors, and aims to build knowledge and confidence in the safe use of equipment and tools
Kindling will introduce basic woodland skills, and individuals will be required to demonstrate a basic knowledge of the flora and fauna in a woodland area. The course will allow participants to look at using the outdoor environment to facilitate different learning styles and to encourage the development of personal skills such as confidence and self-esteem.
Participants will learn how the outdoors can be used to encourage all areas of development, understand factors that affect children’s behaviour and strategies for the outdoor environment. We will also look at how the outdoor environment encourages independence, self-reliance and self-esteem and promotes healthy, balanced social and emotional growth.
Course Duration: 3 days
Portfolio Completion will take place during the course and be handed in on the last day.
This course is ideal for those people who are wanting to gain skills for working outdoors with children and young people, those who want to explore Forest Schools within their own setting or those who wish to support a trained Forest Schools practitioner.

This is an invitation to reconnect with the enthusiasm that you found during the process of training to be a Forest School practitioner.
The weekend will be hosted by Lily Horseman, an experienced facilitator and Forest School trainer. Having walked alongside many people during the training process she recognises the value of asking questions and the support of a community of learning. This weekend will be all about that. Reconnecting and connecting with people who are walking the same path to support your continuing growth as a Forest School practitioner.
The content will be guided by the questions that you all bring which will be explored in a hands on way. There will be games and crafts, time to connect with nature, exploration of theories, time to play. Simon from Treecreepers Forest School will be joining us again to share his skill at spoon carving and whittling and of course, there will be cooking and eating around the fire. All the good stuff that gets the juices flowing.
The cost covers accommodation in the bunk barn dorms or camping on the site with full use of the facilities, kitchen, shower room, sitting room etc and basic vegetarian ingredients for main meals, the resources and tools.
We are also asking for people to consider a donation for our time and energy that represents the worth to you as a practitioner.
Spaces are limited. Email to book.

NOCN Forest School Level 1 Training
This course is aimed at individuals with little or no experience of working in the outdoors, and aims to build knowledge and confidence in working with children outdoors and an insight into the Forest School Ethos.
Kindling will introduce basic woodland skills, and individuals will develop a basic knowledge of the flora and fauna in a woodland area. The course will allow participants to look at using the outdoor environment to facilitate different ways of learning outdoors and to encourage the development of personal skills such as confidence and self-esteem.
Participants will learn how the outdoors can be used to encourage all areas of development, understand factors that affect children’s behaviour and strategies for the outdoor environment. We will also look at how the outdoor environment encourages independence, self-reliance and self-esteem and promotes healthy, balanced social and emotional growth.
Course Duration: 3 days
Portfolio Completion will take place during the course and be handed in on the last day.
This course is ideal for those people who are wanting to gain skills for working outdoors with children and young people, those who want to explore the possibilities for Forest Schools within their own setting or those who wish to support a trained Forest Schools practitioner.
This course does not enable you to deliver Forest School programmes as a qualified practitioner.

Experiential course with Jon Cree and Lily Horseman. Starting at 9.30 and finishing at 4.30
How does the outdoors support ‘the ecological and spiritual imagination of the mind’ of the child will be a key question explored on this workshop. We will also be looking at all the other developmental areas humans experience during play.
??Outdoor play and ‘games’ will be shared to explore the many possibilities the natural world and outdoor elements offer for meaningful play – from the creative to the rough and tumble.
?We will be exploring the ‘play framework’ and how we, as practitioners, spot cues from learners to interact with their play without destroying the ‘play’ and the ‘drive’ to play. We will also be examining when a ‘player’ enters a state of flow when the learning becomes integral to the human.
The day will look in detail at what practitioners can deduce from play. Are our observations and evaluations telling us what is really ‘going
on’ for the learner and how do we check they are truthful. This can then inform our inter- ventions and non-interventions as co-players.
How do we re-discover the world and mind of the child? – one of the many questions asked and explored on this workshop.
Spaces are limited. Email to book

This is an invitation to reconnect with the enthusiasm that you found during the process of training to be a Forest School practitioner.
The weekend will be hosted by Lily Horseman, an experienced facilitator and Forest School trainer. Having walked alongside many people during the training process she recognises the value of asking questions and the support of a community of learning. This weekend will be all about that. Reconnecting and connecting with people who are walking the same path to support your continuing growth as a Forest School practitioner.
The content will be guided by the questions that you all bring which will be explored in a hands on way. There will be games and crafts, time to connect with nature, exploration of theories, time to play. and of course, there will be cooking and eating around the fire. All the good stuff that gets the juices flowing.
The cost covers accommodation in the bunk barn dorms or camping on the site with full use of the facilities, kitchen, shower room, sitting room etc and basic vegetarian ingredients for main meals, the resources and tools.
We are also asking for people to consider a donation for our time and energy that represents the worth to you as a practitioner.
Spaces are limited. Email to book.

Experiential course with Jon Cree and Lily Horseman. Starting at 9.30 and finishing at 4.30
How does the outdoors support ‘the ecological and spiritual imagination of the mind’ of the child will be a key question explored on this workshop. We will also be looking at all the other developmental areas humans experience during play.
Outdoor play and ‘games’ will be shared to explore the many possibilities the natural world and outdoor elements offer for meaningful play – from the creative to the rough and tumble.
We will be exploring the ‘play framework’ and how we, as practitioners, spot cues from learners to interact with their play without destroying the ‘play’ and the ‘drive’ to play. We will also be examining when a ‘player’ enters a state of flow when the learning becomes integral to the human.
The day will look in detail at what practitioners can deduce from play. Are our observations and evaluations telling us what is really ‘going
on’ for the learner and how do we check they are truthful. This can then inform our inter- ventions and non-interventions as co-players.
How do we re-discover the world and mind of the child? – one of the many questions asked and explored on this workshop.
Spaces are limited. Email to book

NOCN Forest School Level 1 Training
This course is aimed at individuals with little or no experience of working in the outdoors, and aims to build knowledge and confidence in the Forest School ethos and principles.
Kindling will introduce basic woodland skills, and individuals will be required to demonstrate a basic knowledge of the flora and fauna in a woodland area. The course will allow participants to look at using the outdoor environment to facilitate different learning styles and to encourage the development of personal skills such as confidence and self-esteem.
Participants will learn how the outdoors can be used to encourage all areas of development, understand factors that affect children’s behaviour and strategies for the outdoor environment. We will also look at how the outdoor environment encourages independence, self-reliance and self-esteem and promotes healthy, balanced social and emotional growth.
Course Duration: 3 days
Portfolio Completion will take place during the course and be handed in on the last day.
This course is ideal for those people who are wanting to gain skills for working outdoors with children and young people, those who want to explore how Forest Schools could work within their own setting or those who wish to support a trained Forest Schools practitioner.
Funding for subsidies for practitioners in the South Pennines comes from Heritage Lottery Fund and Newground Together administered by Pennine Prospects.