Forest School Practitioner Training courses, outdoor workshops, creativity courses and more from Kindling Play and Training
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Kindling delivers RQF accredited Forest Schools Practitioner Training at NOCN (One Awards) Level 1 through to Level 3. These training courses can be delivered in house f the group size is viable. All courses are facilitated by Lily Horseman, an experienced and creative trainer and Forest School practitioner. Lily has held a Level 4 Forest School Trainers award since 2009, is a director and Chair of the Forest School Association. For more information or to ask questions call Lily on 07789 723 061 (please note that texts or WhatsApp messages may not receive a quick response, phone calls will receive a faster response).
Lily has demonstrated that Kindling Forest School training meets the criteria set out by the Forest School Association and has met the Quality Assurance benchmarks.
Click on an event for more information and to download booking forms.
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This course will run December 5th- 7th 2018.
1.30pm-5.00pm on Wednesday and 9.00am- 4.30 pm on the Thursday and Friday.
The cost is £280 for the course. This course can be accredited as a level 3 award at an additional cost of £50. This accreditation will require some additional work and you can decide what you want to do at the end of the course. This is a level 3 OCNWMR accredited course worth 3 credits.
The course will be delivered by Jon Cree and hosted on the Branching Out Forest School site in Liverpool.
This course is aimed at any educator who feels they want to engage and work with students in the outdoors who may be reluctant learners (of any age).
We will look at;
- What do behaviours communicate?
- What is challenging behaviour, what challenges us as leader in the outdoors?
- Behavioural theories and how these relate to our own settings
- ‘Neural development’—the most recent research and how this affects triggers and causes for behaviour
- Causes of certain behaviours’—models for working with behaviour—the 3C’s, non violent communication and the pros and cons of rewards and sanctions’’? ‘What needs do the outdoors cater for?
- Ways of working with ‘behaviours’ interventions and de-escalation’ in the outdoors
- Motivating our learners
- ‘Transferring’ behavioural strategies from the outdoors to everyday life in educational settings and home
- Looking after ourselves
- ‘Policies and procedures’ relating to behaviour, safeguarding & learners safety’
To accredit this as an OCNWMR Level 3 course worth 3 credits it will require participants to reflect on their own practice and write up a workbook after the course which we estimate would take approx 8 hours work. It is suitable for people who have trained as Forest School practitioners or who work in the outdoors.
Jon Cree, training co-ordinator and 11 –19 programme manager at Bishops Wood Centre in Worcestershire, will be facilitating sessions that involve ‘real life’ scenarios, some outdoor exercises, as well as chats around the fire! Jon has been working with youth groups and groups of young people with specific needs, in the outdoors for almost 30 years.

This event is now postponed
These weekends have been described as the most ‘Forest School’ way to experience Professional Development. This is an invitation to reconnect with the enthusiasm that you found during the process of training to be a Forest School practitioner.
The weekend will be hosted by Lily Horseman, an experienced facilitator and Forest School trainer and supported by Gem Webb. The weekend will be playful and led by the interests, ideas, questions, challenges and excitement that each participant brings. Having walked alongside many people during the Forest School training process Lily recognises the value of asking questions and the value of a community of learning. This weekend will be all about that. Reconnecting and connecting with people who are walking the same path to support your continuing growth as a Forest School practitioner.
Download re:Kindling CPD Individual Booking Form
The content will be guided by what everyone wants and needs. There will be games crafts and songs, time to connect with nature, exploration of theories, time to play, time to relax and be in a really wonderful woodland environment, and of course, there will be cooking and eating around the fire. All the good stuff that gets the juices flowing. If you have a hammock you fancy sleeping in you won’t be alone!
£60 covers the basics; accommodation in the bunk barn dorms or camping on the site with full use of the facilities, kitchen, shower room, sitting room etc and basic vegetarian ingredients for main meals, as well as resources and tools.
We ask for people to consider a donation on top of the basic amount. This covers our time, energy and experience. We ask the people to decide what that is based on what it is worth to you as a practitioner and what you can afford as a human.
Spaces are limited. Email your booking form to to book

The annual popular conference for The Forest School Association.
This is an ideal opportunity to gather with other outdoor practitioners and professionals from the country and attend a varierty of workshops from a wide programme.
Lily’s workshop will be ‘Needs in Forest School’.
From basic needs to play needs, from universal needs to what the world needs. How can reflecting on ‘needs’ help Forest School practitioners create more sustainability in their work and advocate for Forest School? This is the stuff that has helped me connect with myself, with others and the world. This will be a playful and reflective exploration of theories and practice with some provoking questions and playing with sticks.
It is not possible to book this workshop separately it will only be available as part of the conference package.
for more info check out the Facebook page.
Come and join us for a day exploring human needs!
We will respond to the needs of the group (of course we will), but we anticipate that these ingredients will form part of our time together:
– Understanding needs, their relation to our behaviours and the behaviour of our participants;
– Unmet needs and what they might look like: how do we respond appropriately, and how do we look after needs in a time of dysregulation?
– Marrying up theories with our experiences and discussing the challenges of applying them;
– The dynamics and quality of human connection;
– Working with needs in nature and woodlands: the problems and possibilities.
Who is this for? Those who work in Forest School and other participant-centred settings as well as for those who aspire to develop their practice in this area. You may be experienced in theories but are looking for time and space to share experiences with others. Or you may be new to these ideas but are excited to learn.
The course will be facilitated by Lily Horseman and Froo Signore. As Forest School practitioners and facilitators they will draw from their own rich experience of relating theories and practice. There is nothing they like more than unpicking the juicy aspects of human behaviour and how this shows up in their session delivery.
Come and join us for a day exploring human needs!
We will respond to the needs of the group (of course we will), but we anticipate that these ingredients will form part of our time together:
– Understanding needs, their relation to our behaviours and the behaviour of our participants;
– Unmet needs and what they might look like: how do we respond appropriately, and how do we look after needs in a time of dysregulation?
– Marrying up theories with our experiences and discussing the challenges of applying them;
– The dynamics and quality of human connection;
– Working with needs in nature and woodlands: the problems and possibilities.
Who is this for? Those who work in Forest School and other participant-centred settings as well as for those who aspire to develop their practice in this area. You may be experienced in theories but are looking for time and space to share experiences with others. Or you may be new to these ideas but are excited to learn.
The course will be facilitated by Lily Horseman and Froo Signore. As Forest School practitioners and facilitators they will draw from their own rich experience of relating theories and practice. There is nothing they like more than unpicking the juicy aspects of human behaviour and how this shows up in their session delivery.
Come and join us for a day exploring human needs!
We will respond to the needs of the group (of course we will), but we anticipate that these ingredients will form part of our time together:
– Understanding needs, their relation to our behaviours and the behaviour of our participants;
– Unmet needs and what they might look like: how do we respond appropriately, and how do we look after needs in a time of dysregulation?
– Marrying up theories with our experiences and discussing the challenges of applying them;
– The dynamics and quality of human connection;
– Working with needs in nature and woodlands: the problems and possibilities.
Who is this for? Those who work in Forest School and other participant-centred settings as well as for those who aspire to develop their practice in this area. You may be experienced in theories but are looking for time and space to share experiences with others. Or you may be new to these ideas but are excited to learn.
The course will be facilitated by Lily Horseman and Froo Signore. As Forest School practitioners and facilitators they will draw from their own rich experience of relating theories and practice. There is nothing they like more than unpicking the juicy aspects of human behaviour and how this shows up in their session delivery.