Squirrel Fishing

Squirrel Fishing

I thought I’d share with you a little doodle I had in the last edition of the Forest School Association newsletter. This is based on something that happened with a group I was working with a few years ago. When you follow the children’s ideas you end up in...

What happens in Forest School?

There are some projects that really stay with you. I worked with Brudenell Primary School in Leeds for over two years, helping them embed Forest School into their curriculum, and providing training and support. I also ran lots of Forest School programmes with classes...
WaKiGa – out in nature with a Waldkindergarten

WaKiGa – out in nature with a Waldkindergarten

I recently spent a week in Hamburg and Berlin with a study tour for play professionals co-ordinated by ip-dip.com and www.meynellgames.org. The tour took us to scrapstores, adventure playgrounds, public parks and playspaces, community provision, waldkindergarten and...

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