I was reading the reflective diary that Lina submitted as part of her Forest School leader training. Her qualification was interrupted by the pandemic. I’ve spent quite a lot of the last year trying to create opportunities for people to complete their qualifications and worked through all the challenges that has entailed. Reading her diary it really struck me how crucial this has been.
I’ll let Lina explain it in her own words.

My forest school journey has been a case of rewilding myself. The training was like a spell that was cast to enable me to see things in my everyday environment that I could not see before. The invisible became visible. I was given a VIP pass. To go and meet local celebrities like the peregrine falcon, not just a bird anymore. I introduced a new culinary herb to my neighbour: Allium ursinum she was over the moon “send me a link I must order some” she said…. follow me I said just 500m from our door by the river I said: there wild garlic haven it’s not “click & collect” its “pick & eat” simples hey!
The timing of my journey was a blessing in disguise, for my family and for my work. When lock down hit I had my eyes so open I was able to take my family out on their 1 hour a day outing allowance and make the most of it. Even just being in our garden we realise actually it’s not our garden we are merely visitors there spending little time there compared to the night time cctv cams, we have hedgehogs, owls, foxes, bats and crazy midnight cats! We can’t really call it our garden now can we. Working with children in this outside world of wonder i witnessed a very touching moment in the life of a 5yr old in covid distress. His mum, an A&E nurse, dad a Helicopter Paramedic. Worked throughout lockdown, B came into school every day throughout, missing his normal routine and being clambered into a mixed age bubble he was aware that he was the only one in every day. We would be outside most of the time as it was the perfect place to be. He said he never knew you can be outside for so long without being told off… we also observed the coming of spring and one afternoon sat on the embankment with me he said “Lina can I pick this dandelion as the bees no longer need it and I can help the seeds fly off, they can help me make a wish?” of course yes B I sat and watched as he picked the dandelion, gave a big huff and puff and stated the words “I WISH COVID TO GO AWAY, I MISS MY MUM & DAD AND MY SCHOOL CLASS”
We had also spent time in school together but he seemed more sensitive, more open, more perceptive outside. Something was allowing him to.
This magic spell cast on me has allowed me to understand “Bird song”, I shared this magic with a group of children one day whilst making Elder necklaces. I heard an urgent call of a sparrow and another and another. I alerted the children to look and whispered narrative of what was going on- there are two grown birds and a little one flying… the older ones seem to be raising an alarm and heading back to the tree… lo and behold a crow swoops down into his gaping beak went the little sparrow…. off into the next field where the crow was followed by the older sparrows squealing… it must be mummy and daddy… this sparked lots of conversation about birds and other animals we had seen at forest school and in the world. At the end of that session in reflection one of the children said “I had no idea the birds had a life” They secured the learning that animals too need to wake up, go out into the world, learn to fly, learn to make a home, get food, feed children, play out, bath, wow they just like us. We all have things to do. We all matter to each other.
Another pivotal point was meeting the prickly plant that we don’t like and becoming its friends. So much so that this year we watched eagerly as it rose up from the ground to snap it up. April 2019 we made nettle soup in session, one kid was no way going near that prickly bush that spikes people. He did not forage for leaves he did however watch curiously as the others did and when it came to tasting he was very waring but willing to have a try … he held his bowl said he enjoyed the warmth in his hands, liked the kitchen smell of it, dipping his spoon in and just touching it to his tongue he was confused … I don’t know why I think I like it I’m going to keep trying … long story short he had thirds of nettle soup. This year I heard him showing his mum look here its growing, you don’t even have to go to the shop for it. It’s called Nettle. Say hi mum.
We are all very disconnected from the world we are part of. I hope my journey will allow me to cast the spell onto those that cannot see the invisible right before their eyes …YET!
So much to learn in life inside or outside both however equally important. Everything has a purpose.
We are not alone. We cannot be as we would not survive.
We are a part of something.